There are a number of crimes that are considered felonies in Ohio. This includes:
- Murder
- Aggravated Murder
- Rape
- Voluntary Manslaughter
- Abduction
- Reckless Homicide
- Grand Theft
- Vehicular Assault
- Breaking & Entering
If you are arrested, you can assert your right to remain silent. Although you may be worried about appearing guilty by not cooperating with law enforcement officials, it is best to exercise your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Officers will also advise you of your right to obtain a lawyer before asking you questions. You must also consult a skilled criminal defense attorney before answering any questions—no matter if officers promise leniency or threaten jail time. If the police start asking you questions, simply respond with, “I do not wish to say anything at the moment,” and “I want an/my attorney.”
Although the police are supposed to read your Miranda rights before questioning you, it doesn’t mean they can’t arrest you. If police don’t read you your Miranda rights, whatever you say to them during questioning will be inadmissible in court.
Every plea deal is different depending on the crime in question. Sometimes it is wise to take the offer, while other times it might benefit you to take your case to trial. A lawyer can evaluate the charges against you and determine if you should take the plea deal, or attempt to negotiate more with prosecutors.