Are Field Sobriety Tests Reliable in DUI Cases?

Written By: Moermond & Mulligan, LLC

Last Updated: 02-11-2025

Posted on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 at 9:00 am    

Are Field Sobriety Tests Reliable in DUI Cases_ Image

When dealing with a DUI charge, one of the first things that usually comes up is the field sobriety tests. Officers use these tests during traffic stops to check if a driver might be impaired. But here’s the real question – how accurate are these tests, and how much weight do they hold in a DUI case?

Understanding DUI Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are physical and cognitive exercises designed to help police officers determine whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has approved three standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs): the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the walk and turn test, and the one-leg stand test. While these evaluations are widely used, their reliability and accuracy have been debated among legal and medical professionals.

The Science Behind Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

The NHTSA created standardized field sobriety tests to give officers a consistent way to assess impairment. Each test focuses on specific behaviors that could point to intoxication. For example:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) – This test examines involuntary eye movements that become more pronounced when someone is impaired by alcohol. The officer instructs the driver to follow a moving object, like a pen or flashlight, with their eyes. While medical studies confirm that alcohol can affect eye movement, other factors – such as neurological conditions or eye disorders – can lead to a false positive.
  • Walk and Turn Test – This test evaluates a person’s ability to walk a straight line, heel to toe, and turn on command. Officers look for signs of imbalance, inability to follow instructions, or stepping off the straight line as indications of impairment. However, issues like anxiety, uneven terrain, or medical conditions can influence performance, even if the individual hasn’t consumed alcohol.
  • One-Leg Stand Test – This requires the individual to stand on one leg while counting aloud. The officer observes whether the person sways, uses their arms for balance, or puts their foot down before instructed. Things like physical limitations, the shoes you’re wearing, and even stress can make this test challenging for anyone, whether they’ve been drinking or not.

Factors Affecting Reliability

Standardized field sobriety tests aim to provide objective results, but their accuracy is far from perfect. Even under ideal conditions, studies show they’re only about 77 percent accurate when all three are combined. Several factors can affect reliability:

  • Officer Training – Errors in instructions or evaluation can throw off results.
  • Environmental Conditions – Poor lighting, uneven ground, or bad weather can make these tests harder to perform.
  • Medical and Physical Limitations – Injuries, balance issues, age, or fatigue can lead to failure, even if someone is sober.
  • Stress and Anxiety – Being stopped is stressful. Nervousness alone can affect focus and motor skills, creating misleading results.

Understanding these factors is important, as they could challenge the validity of field sobriety test results in your DUI case.

Challenging Field Sobriety Tests in DUI Cases

Failing a field sobriety test doesn’t seal your fate. A skilled attorney will dissect every detail of your arrest, exposing weaknesses that could dismantle the prosecution’s case:

  • Did the officer follow NHTSA protocols? If not, the test results lose credibility.
  • Was the scene lit poorly, or was the ground uneven? Such conditions can render these tests meaningless.
  • Is there a health issue or injury that could explain the results better than the officer’s assumptions?
  • Is there video evidence? Dashcam footage doesn’t lie and could reveal inconsistencies or outright errors in the officer’s claims.

Every flaw is an opportunity. The stronger the defense, the weaker their case. That’s how you fight back.

What Should You Do If You’ve Failed a Field Sobriety Test?

Are Field Sobriety Tests Reliable in DUI Cases_ Image 2If you fail a field sobriety test, it’s important to remember that these evaluations are not definitive proof of impairment. Reaching out to an attorney can help you understand your options, give you fair and honest advice about what to expect, and help you prepare for your case. With skilled legal representation, you can address the reliability of the tests the officer administered and present evidence that supports your side of the story.

Your Cincinnati DUI defense lawyer may advise getting a medical evaluation to show how health issues could have affected your results. This can help dispute the prosecution’s claims in court.

The Role of Chemical Tests in DUI Cases

Chemical tests, such as breathalyzers and blood tests, are law enforcement’s preferred method for proving BAC, but don’t be fooled – they’re not infallible. An uncalibrated breathalyzer is unreliable evidence. Mishandled blood samples are contamination waiting to happen. Every mistake, every oversight, weakens their case. By dissecting both the field sobriety tests and these so-called “scientific” results, you can dismantle the narrative they’re trying to sell.

Proactive Steps to Take After a DUI Arrest

If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, taking the proper steps early can significantly impact your case. Here’s what to do:

  • Write Down What Happened – Record everything you remember about the traffic stop – what the officer said, the testing conditions, and anything else you think is important. These details could help your lawyer.
  • Get Legal Advice Quickly – Talk to an attorney as soon as possible. Professional advice early on can help you understand your rights, make informed decisions, and feel more confident throughout the process.
  • Gather Supporting Evidence – Look for dashcam or bodycam footage, medical records, or witness statements that might help your defense.
  • Follow All Legal Requirements – Show up for court dates and comply with any instructions. Being cooperative can work in your favor.

These steps can help you build a stronger case and feel more in control during this challenging time.

Field Sobriety Tests Aren’t the Final Verdict in DUI Cases

Field sobriety tests are a favorite tool in DUI investigations, but let’s be honest – they’re far from flawless. Poor weather, uneven ground, medical conditions, and even an officer’s lack of proper training can all skew the results. These tests are not the final word on your guilt.

Don’t let one test define your future. You need a lawyer who can tear apart weak evidence, expose mistakes, and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Contact Moermond & Mulligan, LLC at (513) 421-9790 if you’re facing DUI charges.